
I haven't seen my sister in months. I miss her. She and her family will be coming to OC this week for Thanksgiving. They are taking Mom and Jack to dinner at the Yacht Club. Gary and I are having lunch with Mom and Jack at Geezer Palace then going to Cory's home for dinner. Unfortunately, I didn't want to drive Mom and Jack to Long Beach and back because of recent issues with them riding in my car. I had to pay $120 to have the car steam-cleaned. Let's just leave it at that. A month or so ago I suggested to Meg that we all simply have Thanksgiving at the folks' lovely dining room; and then she and her family could join us at Cory's for dinner and the folks could relax in their apartment, which is where they feel safe. Apparently she decided to take them to the Yacht Club. I'm just hopeful we'll get to visit for awhile at the Palace. They can't stay overnight because they're working on Friday, so our infamous Thanksgiving "baconfest" isn't happening this least not till Christmas. That's probably a good thing in light of my commitment to wellness.
In other sisterhood news, Vanna and Bindi Sue are bonding. They shared a bed on Saturday night, something that would have been impossible even two months ago. Vanna is tolerating Bindi. It appears that our needy Vanna, "Princess Dimstar," has become the Alpha dog here in spite of Bindi's alpha personality. Bindi sits and waits while Vanna eats first. Maybe that was the ticket to get to share the big bed.
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