Business Card Synchronicity

My brother, John, called me the other day to let me know about a wonderful experience of synchronicity he had while cold-calling in Huntington Beach. John is in sales for Yosemite Waters ( and works in business parks around Orange County. He walked into the offices of a web site and media services company. The owner happened to be there and John introduced himself. They talked about the business's water needs and John shared a flyer. The owner, whose name was Rich, asked for a business card. When John handed it to him, Rich said, "We have the same last name." Long story short, Rich and John discovered they are first cousins, shared a hug and a few laughs, agreed to get together soon, and John sold some water. John gave me Rich's phone number and we talked today. I spent a fun dinner with him and our cousin, Dru, in the 80's when I worked at Disneyland; but we lost touch soon afterwards. John had never met him. This time, we vowed not to lose touch again. A family reunion is in the near future!
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