Attitude Really is Everything
In this season of football, elections and "Dancing with the Stars," it may sound trite to say "Attitude is everything," but I just got a HUGE dose of that life lesson. I've told many friends that the past two weeks have been among the most challenging of my life.
It wasn't like planning a wedding, although I did feel like a bridezilla at times. It was difficult because there wasn't any downtime. I had four big, important events to manage in addition to running a new Silverado publishing company and making sure the new book by CEO Loren Shook and Chief of Culture Steve Winner was printed and delivered on deadline. I spoke at a big CA health industry conference, and said farewell to a treasured associate who moved to San Francisco last week leaving me with beaucoup interviews to find her replacement. I emceed the WomanSage Conference all day Saturday and kept the energy way up for the wonderful crowd of women (and a few brave men) who attended. On top of all that, we had to pack up everything for Silverado's corporate office move from San Juan Capistrano to Irvine, CA. Two crazy weeks!
At the onset of the busy time, I realized I would have to maintain a "Ruby Slippers Attitude" to get through it without second-guessing my commitment. Attitude would be key to stayin
g positive and calm. I didn't even ask myself how to do that. I just committed to being in the flow, took deep breaths, prayed and visualized myself on November 1st, happily unpacking boxes in my office with "Flashdance-What a Feeling" playing in the background! Glenda the Good Witch told Dorothy that she had the power to go home any time and didn't have to go through all the Oz craziness with the Wicked Witch and her evil flying primates. After more than a little stress, more than a few mistakes, and one minor meltdown, I gladly confronted my own witch on Halloween last night, handing out treats and game scores to revelers who visited the Man Cave and showing off my scary devil dog.
Today, I followed the traffic-jammed yellow brick road to the new offices where I unpacked and sang "What a Feeling." NONE of the positive events of the past two weeks would have happened without my beloved team - the people who do what needs to be done, give up weekends and nights to stay on track and on time and don't complain because they, too, know the power of a positive attitude. They know attitude determines altitude....and they love to soar above the trivial and mundane. They are part of a big picture team that can execute the small picture. They know who they are....and I am blessed to work alongside them.
It's also great to have an enthusiastic partner by my side who cheers me on and holds down the fort when I'm away. He went out of his way and left his favorite college football games to come and watch me do a silly song and dance at the end of the conference on Saturday (more on that next post). True love is a brilliant attitude lift.
Tonight, I'm happy to say that my attitude is all gratitude.
It wasn't like planning a wedding, although I did feel like a bridezilla at times. It was difficult because there wasn't any downtime. I had four big, important events to manage in addition to running a new Silverado publishing company and making sure the new book by CEO Loren Shook and Chief of Culture Steve Winner was printed and delivered on deadline. I spoke at a big CA health industry conference, and said farewell to a treasured associate who moved to San Francisco last week leaving me with beaucoup interviews to find her replacement. I emceed the WomanSage Conference all day Saturday and kept the energy way up for the wonderful crowd of women (and a few brave men) who attended. On top of all that, we had to pack up everything for Silverado's corporate office move from San Juan Capistrano to Irvine, CA. Two crazy weeks!
At the onset of the busy time, I realized I would have to maintain a "Ruby Slippers Attitude" to get through it without second-guessing my commitment. Attitude would be key to stayin

Today, I followed the traffic-jammed yellow brick road to the new offices where I unpacked and sang "What a Feeling." NONE of the positive events of the past two weeks would have happened without my beloved team - the people who do what needs to be done, give up weekends and nights to stay on track and on time and don't complain because they, too, know the power of a positive attitude. They know attitude determines altitude....and they love to soar above the trivial and mundane. They are part of a big picture team that can execute the small picture. They know who they are....and I am blessed to work alongside them.
It's also great to have an enthusiastic partner by my side who cheers me on and holds down the fort when I'm away. He went out of his way and left his favorite college football games to come and watch me do a silly song and dance at the end of the conference on Saturday (more on that next post). True love is a brilliant attitude lift.
Tonight, I'm happy to say that my attitude is all gratitude.
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