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Location: Orange County/CA

Musings of a woman who left her corporate career to become a caregiver for elderly parents, wrote a book and found her way back to corporate - with love, instead of fear, leading the way. Now working at my Alma Mater, UC Irvine, as Marketing and Communications Director for the School of Biological Sciences.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

National Family Caregivers Month

It's November - National Family Caregivers Month! Hooray for Caregivers!

If you're looking for a great resource for caregiving information and support, check in with the National Family Caregivers Association - It's the place where I found the best all-around information when I first started taking care of my parents. And I must remind everyone who is caring for elderly parents, spouses or family members to get a copy of author Karen Twichell's book, "A Caregivers Journey - Finding Your Way," and the companion workbook which basically gives you a template for setting up caregiving. It's awesome.

Good Morning America had a splendid feature today featuring Lee Woodruff, wife of ABC News reporter Bob Woodruff who was seriously injured in Iraq. Lee spoke with two other women about battling short-term depression. She was articulate, forthright and compassionate. The segment was titled "Depression Hits When You Least Need It." How true for those of us who have experienced depression in the midst of caring for a family member with a serious illness, incapacitation or an elderly parent, relative or spouse. If you get a chance, cut and paste this link into your browser and watch Lee:
She has a new segment on GMA called "Talk to Lee Woodruff about Anything." BRAVO Lee Woodruff, GMA and ABC News!!


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