
With "The Boomer Can Can" reaching old friends far and wide, I was bound to hear good and bad news from folks I haven't connected with in years. Some are celebrating weddings, vacation travel, new babies in the family, new homes, new jobs, successful businesses. Others are dealing with financial problems, foreclosure, relationship woes, job loss, serious illness, and deaths in the family.
Hearing these myriad stories this week before Thanksgiving made me feel as if JOY and CHALLENGE really are like bookends in our lives. Some of the people who shared great joy have also experienced hard times the past few years. Others who shared tragedy and pain have had lots of joyful times prior to their shocking reality of today. And there's so much that happens in between the joy and sorrow.
I lost my precious mom, Marianne, last January and my beloved dog, Vanna, in July. We had some financial challenges that we didn't see coming. And that was on top of other unpleasantries I won't mention. We are getting through it with the support of friends, family, our senses of humor, and the grace of God.
I am blessed to have a wonderful job working with and for people I respect, and yes...even love. My family is close - well, most of us are. I have "new" family to treasure this year - cousins I haven't known for most of our lives. What a joy it is to have found them. My fabulous "old family" still rocks. And I've reconnected with a few long lost friends thanks to social media. Plus I have a bunch of new friends from WomanSage and work. And I can't forget the blessed animals who never cease to make me smile.
I must say, my best friends are still my superheroes - you know who you are. I believe my friends guide and support me through the rough waters and are always there to celebrate with me when the good stuff inevitably comes around again. You see, friends are the most important bookends of all.
This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the wonderful FRIENDS and PETS who serve as my bookends along with JOY and CHALLENGE. And most especially, today I am grateful to my best friend - my husband. It's comforting to have him as my "mirror" through thick and thin. WE are one another's most cherished bookends.
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