Costco - Santa's Closet

I went to Costco at noon with my associate, Patty, to buy a digital camera for the winner of the Silverado photo contest. We knew that was our purpose - getting a single camera. But of course, it was Costco, so we came out an hour later with a basket overflowing with everything from gift bags to vodka, dog treats to cranberry juice, hot dogs for lunch, and yes, the camera.
Costco is like Santa's big closet. Immediately upon entering, we fell under its spell, picking up tins of cookies, ogling the jewelry display and trying to restrain ourselves from buying techie stuff we don't need. Patty selected a packet of iPod gift cards, then put them back. I had my hands on a digital "frame," started to put it into the basket then stuck it back on the shelf. Same thing with a little Flip video camera. I wanted it because it was yellow and that's Gary's favorite color and oh what great videos we could make of our grandchildren, dogs and cats. Bad Shannie! I slapped my own hand and placed the Flip back in its cardboard holder.
In the air at Costco there is definitely a feeling of Christmas - and the Costco elves were very friendly, offering us food and smiles as we walked the bountiful aisles. I heart Santa's Closet!
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