Shannon Ingram's Place

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Location: Orange County/CA

Musings of a woman who left her corporate career to become a caregiver for elderly parents, wrote a book and found her way back to corporate - with love, instead of fear, leading the way. Now working at my Alma Mater, UC Irvine, as Marketing and Communications Director for the School of Biological Sciences.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Shannie Luv

Lots of people call me by my nickname, Shannie, but only one added "Luv" to it every time she mentioned my name or even sent me an email. My wild and crazy Brit friend, Jenny, always called me "Shannie Luv" and 20 plus years ago when I met her, I though it was kind of cool, like the Beatles and Rod Stewart. Jenny was my bosses' secretary at a publishing company in Honolulu. She was the kind of British woman who would have made Austin Powers blush. She was bold, bawdy, fearless, intelligent, talented, enigmatic, honest and laid back. In "Bond-Speak," Jenny was "shaken, not stirred."

This past week, Jenny lost her battle with cancer, Already, the world is a sadder place for losing her presence. Yet her delightful spirit prevails.

Our former boss, Ron, a publisher and brilliant writer, has published a heartfelt column about Jenny. You can read it if you go to:

Don't cut and paste it; Copy it into your browser. You'll get the essence.

And don't you wish you could leave a profound legacy of caring with your friends and even people who barely know you? That was the kind of person Jenny was - enriching and enchanting! I smile whenever I think of her. We should all be so fortunate. She will be sorely missed and "Shannie Luv" simply relishes the honorable moniker.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Whole Lotta Purging Goin On

Gary and I cheered the beginning of 2006 in Las Vegas while experiencing the awesome fireworks. Hundreds of thousands of people watched a million-plus-dollar display as fireworks went off from the rooftops of several hotels along the strip. The colors were as brilliant as the noise was loud. What a way to greet a new year.
The next morning, we ventured out in a taxi from our base at Treasure Island and ended up at the MGM Grand. We decided to start off the new year with a lavish buffet breakfast - an interesting idea given that the night before we resolved to focus on a healthy diet in 2006. I thought about the resolution for a moment before I picked up the tongs and put a few slices of bacon on my plate next to the syrupy waffles and the eggs benedict.
Five minutes later, I lost my appetite while chewing a savory bite of roast prime rib. A young, dark-haired woman carrying a pretty toddler in her arms came toward our table. As they passed us, the little girl uttered a gurgly moan and then projectile vomited all over her mother's hair, black sweater and our table. Our server rushed over to show the woman to the restroom and a hostess asked us to move to another table and "start over" with our breakfast. We moved, but our appetites were history. It was as if the universe was supporting us in our resolution. We sipped some coffee and took off to feel sorry for ourselves at the video poker machines in the casino.
The next day, back at home, we discovered one of the cats had puked on the oriental rug in the living room. Yesterday, Molly, the little kitty, horked a gross hairball on the bedroom floor. And today my dad coughed up part of his lunch at the table while I was dining with him and Mom. I wonder what the message is for the first week of 2006 with all this "purging?" What do you think?