Hot Fun in the Summertime

What do you think of when you hear the word "summertime?" Here are some of the thoughts that come to my mind...
Going to baseball games. When I lived in Colorado, we went to lots of Rockies games at Coors Field. This past week, we went to a Dodger game in Los Angeles with Dru and Larry. Larry's tickets were right by third base and just a few rows up from the Dodger dugout, which meant Gary could stare at one of his heroes, Joe Torre. We ate Dodger dogs, peanuts, kettle corn, pretzels and drank beer. Dru and I tried to catch foul balls in our hats (photo), but thankfully that didn't happen, although a few got very close. And by the way, the Dodgers beat the Marlins.
The Beach. I love the fragrance of coconut oil mixed with salty sea air. I can't go and walk in the sand or swim in the ocean this summer due to foot surgery; but it's not keeping me from spending time on a cliff above the ocean enjoying the seaside panorama, people-watching, the occasional dolphin sighting, and the beautiful weather.
Band Concerts in the Park. The granddaddy of Mission Viejo concerts in the park happens this Saturday when the Pacific Symphony comes back again to delight young and old. Picnics on blankets, sipping wine coolers, watching children run around the park and the sunset through the trees as some of the world's most beautiful music is played right there in our "backyard." It doesn't get much better than that.
Pool Parties. We rely on Dru and Larry for these. Hours spent floating in their pool and talking about everything under the sun, and sometimes the moon. We bring the wine and soda. They have the plastic cups and "noodles" for floating.
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. Maybe this started with baseball games, the county fairs of my childhood or trips to Disneyland, but summer isn't summer without a certain amount of hot dogs and burgers. The photo here was taken at the recent "National Hot Dog Day" party at Silverado Senior Living - San Juan Capistrano. Even the mayor came. He likes hot dogs, too.
Rum Drinks. Mai Tais, Pina Coladas, Blue Hawaii's, Bikini Martini's - all favorites, especially when they come with a little paper umbrella and a cherry.
Ice Cream. Is it any wonder the last three items on my summer list are all about food and beverages? Ice cream is the VERY BEST! Not even lactose intolerance keeps us from enjoying the occasional ice cream binge when the temp outside gets above 85.
Hope you are having some hot fun in the summertime!