Shannon Ingram's Place

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Location: Orange County/CA

Musings of a woman who left her corporate career to become a caregiver for elderly parents, wrote a book and found her way back to corporate - with love, instead of fear, leading the way. Now working at my Alma Mater, UC Irvine, as Marketing and Communications Director for the School of Biological Sciences.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Today was the first Wednesday morning meeting of The Inside Edge for 2007. The Edge, a wonderful “learning community” that I wrote about in The Heart Way, has been dark for the annual holiday season since our last meeting on December 20th. I delighted in seeing all my friends and sharing holiday stories.

Speaking of holiday stories, I grudgingly went to a movie called “The Holiday” on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve with my friend, Kathy Jones, while our husbands enjoyed a day of target shooting out in the desert. I wasn’t crazy about seeing a chick flick that wasn’t well-reviewed, but it was the only film Kathy and I could agree on because she had seen all the others playing in the theaters around Palm Desert. The movie was fantastic so once again, I stand in defiance of movie critics and encourage you to see this fun chick flick, if not now, then when it comes out on DVD. It’s worth it just to see Cameron Diaz’s outfits and the interiors of the homes in LA and Surrey, England. And Jude Law (take your blood pressure pills first).

While in the desert, Gary and I inadvertently wound up in the funeral procession motorcade for President Ford. We had picked up sandwiches at Subway in Rancho Mirage and had Vanna dog in the car with us heading for our condo at Ironwood. When we came to the traffic light at El Paseo and Hwy 74, we noticed large crowds of people standing on the curb and a policeman had stopped all traffic. We were the first car in the right turn lane. I got out of the car and asked what was going on and was told that the motorcade would be passing soon on the way to St. Margaret’s Church. I grabbed my camera and took photos as the procession passed, then jumped back into the car because I heard the cop say he would let some of the cars pass across Hwy 74. He waved us on and Gary turned right, following the motorcade. That was a big no-no, but we truly believed he had waved us to turn. So there we were in between a 2x2 line of 10 motorcycle cops and several white vans carrying the media, in our rogue Explorer with yellow dog hanging out the back window. We proceeeded about two blocks and then two of the cops in front of us stopped their bikes. One got off and sternly waved us to turn left onto a frontage road and get out of the motorcade. Spoilsport! I was hoping to see us on the news that evening because of all the helicopters overhead, but alas, no coverage. It was the most exciting quarter mile I’ve traveled in years, behind all those cops, Suburbans, Escalades, limos and flag-bearing presidential hearse. Plus, I have pictures!